Weak Nuclear Force

While studying atoms scientists observed that atoms' nucleus emit particles or electromagnetic radiation called radioactive decay. The most common forms are:

  • Alpha Decay
  • Beta Decay
  • Gamma Decay

  • In addition to those mentioned above there are other more rare types of radioactive decay, including ejection of neutrons or protons or clusters of nucleons from a nucleus, or more than one beta particle. An analog of gamma emission which allows excited nuclei to lose energy in a different way, is internal conversion - a process that produces high-speed electrons that are not beta rays, followed by production of high-energy photons that are not gamma rays. A few large nuclei explode into two or more charged fragments of varying masses plus several neutrons, in a decay called spontaneous nuclear fission.

    In order to explain the observed radioactive decays scientists proposed a new form of force called, Weak Nuclear Force. This hypothesized (assumed without proof), force should able to explain changing the flavor of hypothesized quarks, violation of Parity and Charge Parity symmetry and to a certain extend Higgs mechanism.

    In particle physics, the weak interaction is the mechanism responsible for the weak force or Weak Nuclear Force, one of the four known fundamental interactions of nature, alongside the strong interaction, electromagnetism and gravitation.

    The purpose of this study is define the true reason of Weak Nuclear Force by questioning why gravity is such a weak force. This will be done by creating a new model named as "New Atomic Model" by using the data obtained from the "New Gravity Model".

    During this study, the history of research on Weak Nuclear Force is presented in chronological order covering :

  • Classical Physics
  • Relativistic Physics
  • Quantum Physics

  • Weak Nuclear Force in Classical Physics

    Not covered in Classical Physics.

    Weak Nuclear Force in Relativistic Physics

    Not covered in Relativistic Physics.

    Weak Nuclear Force in Quantum Physics

    The weak interaction is responsible for the radioactive decay of subatomic particles, and it plays an essential role in nuclear fission. The theory of the weak interaction is sometimes called Quantum Flavordynamics (QFD), in analogy with the terms Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), but the term is rarely used because the weak force is best understood in terms of Electro-Weak Theory (EWT).

    In the Standard Model of particle physics, the weak interaction is caused by the emission or absorption of W and Z bosons. All known fermions interact through the weak interaction. Fermions are particles that have half-integer spin (one of the fundamental properties of particles). A fermion can be an elementary particle, such as the electron, or it can be a composite particle, such as the proton. The masses of W+, W- and Z bosons are each far greater than that of protons or neutrons, consistent with the short range of the weak force. The force is termed weak because its field strength over a given distance is typically several orders of magnitude less than that of the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force.

    During the quark epoch (creation of universe and physical laws), the electroweak force split into the electromagnetic and weak forces. Important examples of weak interaction include beta decay, and the production, from hydrogen, of deuterium needed to power the sun's thermonuclear process. Most fermions will decay by a weak interaction over time. Such decay also makes radiocarbon dating possible, as carbon-14 decays through the weak interaction to nitrogen-14. It can also create radioluminescence, commonly used in tritium illumination, and in the related field of betavoltaics.

    Hypothesized (assumed without proof), Quarks, which make up composite particles like neutrons and protons, come in six "flavors" - up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom, which give those composite particles their properties. The weak interaction is unique in that it allows for quarks to swap their flavor for another. For example, during beta minus decay, a down quark decays into an up quark, converting a neutron to a proton. Also the weak interaction is the only fundamental interaction that breaks parity-symmetry, and similarly, the only one to break Charge Parity (CP), symmetry.

    Table below summarizes the results of the study on existing models of Weak Nuclear Force.

    Weak Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Results Conclusion
    Classical Physics Not covered Partially correct Update required
    Relativistic Physics Not covered Partially correct Update required
    Quantum Physics Covered False Reject

    Please click below for justification.


    Please click below for details on research results.

    Research Results

    New Atom Model

    Unification of Weak Nuclear Force

    In search for a Unification Theory (also known as Theory of Everything), the merging of Classical Physics, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (or Quantum Field Theory) into a more general theory of Quantum Gravity has become an area of active research.

    New Atom Model

    In order to unify all branches of physics a "New Atom Model" has been developed which explains the following :

    New Atom Model Status Result Conclusion
    What is Weak Nuclear Force? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    Why an atom emits radiation ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    What is the true reason of Beta decay ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    Why neutrinos oscillate and change its lepton flavor ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    Is carbon dating accurate in measuring time or age of a given organic (carbon based) material ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    What is the relation between weak nuclear force-matter-dark matter-dark energy ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    How should the Weak Nuclear Force field be modeled so that it can open door to Unification Theory ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model

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