Strong Nuclear Force

Based on an existing atomic model of Bohr-Rutherford-Quantum Mechanics nucleus is a very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the centre of an atom where negatively charged electrons orbit around the positively charged (protons) nucleus.

In order to keep the positively charged protons together in nucleus a new form of force called, Strong Nuclear Force is needed. This hypothesized (assumed without proof), force should able to overcome the repulsive force of positively charged protons so that the nucleus will not break up.

According to this theory protons and neutrons are not elementary particles but made up of hypothesized (assumed without proof), quarks. These hypothesized particles are held in association by the nuclear strong force in certain stable combinations of hadrons called baryons that manifest (show) themselves as the neutrons and the protons of the nucleus. The Strong Nuclear Force extends far enough from each baryon so as to bind the neutrons and protons together against the repulsive force of the positively charged protons.

Unlike gravity and electromagnetism, for an unknown reason, the nuclear strong force has a very short range and essentially drops to zero just beyond the edge of the nucleus.

The purpose of this study is define the true reason of Strong Nuclear Force by questioning why gravity is such a weak force. This will be done by creating a new model named as "New Atomic Model" by using the data obtained from the "New Gravity Model".

During this study, the history of research on Strong Nuclear Force is presented in chronological order covering :

  • Classical Physics
  • Relativistic Physics
  • Quantum Physics

  • Strong Nuclear Force in Classical Physics

    Not covered in Classical Physics.

    Strong Nuclear Force in Relativistic Physics

    Not covered in Relativistic Physics.

    Strong Nuclear Force in Quantum Physics

    Before the 1970s, physicists were uncertain about the binding mechanism of the atomic nucleus. It was known that the nucleus was composed of protons and neutrons and that protons possessed positive electric charge, while neutrons were electrically neutral. However, these facts seemed to contradict one another. By physical understanding at that time, positive charges would repel one another and the nucleus should therefore fly apart. However, this was never observed. New physics was needed to explain this phenomenon.

    A stronger attractive force was postulated (assumed without proof), to explain how the atomic nucleus was bound together despite the protons' mutual electromagnetic repulsion. This hypothesized (assumed without proof), force was called the strong force, which was believed to be a fundamental force that acted on the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus.

    Due to release of electromagnetic radiation, it was later stated that protons and neutrons were not fundamental particles, but were made up of constituent particles, which were never observed, called quarks. The strong attraction between nucleons was the side-effect of a more fundamental force that bound the never observed quarks together in the protons and neutrons.

    The theory of quantum chromodynamics hypothesized (assumed without proof), that quarks carry what is called a color charge (although it has no relation to visible color since never observed). Quarks with unlike color charge attract one another as a result of the strong interaction, which is mediated by hypothesized (assumed without proof), particles called gluons.

    Table below summarizes the results of the study on existing models of Strong Nuclear Force.

    Strong Nuclear Force Strong Nuclear Results Conclusion
    Classical Physics Not covered Partially correct Update required
    Relativistic Physics Not covered Partially correct Update required
    Quantum Physics Covered False Reject

    Please click below for justification.


    Please click below for details on research results.

    Research Results

    New Atom Model

    Unification of Strong Nuclear Force

    In search for a Unification Theory (also known as Theory of Everything), the merging of Classical Physics, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (or Quantum Field Theory) into a more general theory of Quantum Gravity has become an area of active research.

    New Atom Model

    In order to unify all branches of physics a "New Atom Model" has been developed which explains the following :

    New Atom Model Status Result Conclusion
    What is Strong Nuclear Force? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    Why gravity becomes strong for particles only at the Planck scale, around 19 orders of magnitude in GeV, much above the electroweak scale (100 GeV, the energy scale dominating physics at low energies) ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    What prevents quantities at the electroweak scale, such as the Higgs Boson mass, from getting quantum corrections on the order of the Planck scale ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    Is the solution supersymmetry, extra dimensions or else ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    What is the relation between strong nuclear force-matter-dark matter-dark energy ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model
    How should the Strong Nuclear Force field be modelled so that it can open door to Unification Theory ? Reviewed Explained New Atom Model

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