Fundamental Forces

Fundamental Forces (also known as Fundamental Interactions or Interactive Forces), are physical forces modelled in four groups whose objects "appear" not to be reducible to more basic entities. The four conventionally accepted fundamental interactions are gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear force.

Each of these forces is studied as separate discipline although there are efforts to unify them in a grand scale known as Unification Theory. As of today the Gravitational Force is modelled as a continuous classical field. For the remaining three forces (electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear force) there is a modelled discrete quantum field and exhibits a measurable unit or elementary particle.

The purpose of this research is to unify the four Fundamental Forces and complete the studies on the Unification Theory.


Arguably the strongest of all fundamental forces, scientists classify gravity as the weakest of all four fundamental forces of known universe. The gravitational force is approximately 38 orders of magnitude weaker of the strong force, 36 orders of magnitude weaker of the electromagnetic force and 29 orders of magnitude weaker of the weak force.

Gravitation or gravity is a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies made of ordinary matter attract each other. Gravity gives weight to physical objects and causes them to fall toward the ground when dropped.

In modern physics, gravitation is most accurately described by the General Theory of Relativity (proposed by Einstein) which describes gravitation as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. For most situations gravity is well approximated by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which postulates that the gravitational force of two bodies of mass is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

In search for a Unification Theory (also known as Theory of Everything), the merging of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (or Quantum Field Theory) into a more general theory of Quantum Gravity has become an area of active research.

It is hypothesised that the gravitational force is mediated by a massless spin-2 particle called the graviton and that gravity would have separated from the electro-nuclear force during the grand unification epoch.

The purpose of this study is to define the true reason of gravity by creating a new model named as "New Gravity Model" in an effort of using it as an input for the Unification Theory.

The "New Gravity Model" shall also explain the following:

  • What is gravity ?
  • What is gravity field ?
  • How does this gravity field interacts with other matter in our universe ?
  • What is the relation between space-time-gravity ?
  • What is the relation between gravity-matter-dark matter-dark energy ?
  • How should a gravity field be modelled so that it can open door to Unification Theory ?
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    Electromagnetic Force

    This force is described by electromagnetic fields and has innumerable physical instances including the interaction of electrically charged particles and the interaction of uncharged magnetic force fields with electrical conductors.

    The science of electromagnetic phenomena is defined in terms of the electromagnetic force, sometimes called the Lorentz Force, which includes both electricity and magnetism as elements of one phenomenon.

    Ordinary matter takes its form as a result of intermolecular forces between individual molecules in matter. Electrons are bound by electromagnetic wave mechanics into orbitals around atomic nuclei to form atoms, which are the building blocks of molecules. This governs the processes involved in chemistry, which arise from interactions between the electrons of neighboring atoms, which are in turn determined by the interaction between electromagnetic force and the momentum of the electrons.

    There are numerous mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field. In classical electrodynamics, electric fields are described as electric potential and electric current in Ohm's law, magnetic fields are associated with electromagnetic induction and magnetism. Maxwell's equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated and altered by each other and by charges and currents.

    The theoretical implications of electromagnetism, in particular the establishment of the speed of light based on properties of the "medium" of propagation (permeability and permittivity), led to the development of special relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905.

    The purpose of this study is to define the true reason of Electromagnetic Force by creating a new model named as "New Atomic Model" which could explain why the Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation fails to explain the micro scale universe (also known as sub atomic universe) by using the data obtained from the "New Gravity Model".

    The "New Atomic Model" shall also explain the following:

  • What is electromagnetism ?
  • What is an electromagnetic field ?
  • Why does General Theory of Relativity fail to explain the electromagnetic behaviour of atoms ?
  • Why does Quantum Mechanics fail to explain gravity ?
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    Strong Nuclear Force

    Based on an existing atomic model of Bohr-Rutherford-Quantum Mechanics nucleus is a very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the centre of an atom where negatively charged electrons orbit around the positively charged (protons) nucleus.

    In order to keep the positively charged protons together in nucleus a new form of force called, Strong Nuclear Force is needed. This force should able to overcome the repulsive force of positively charged protons so that the nucleus will not break up.

    Protons and neutrons are not elementary particles but made up of quarks. Fundamental particles called quarks are held in association by the nuclear strong force in certain stable combinations of hadrons called baryons that manifest (show) themselves as the neutrons and the protons of the nucleus. The Strong Nuclear Force extends far enough from each baryon so as to bind the neutrons and protons together against the repulsive force of the positively charged protons. The nuclear strong force has a very short range and essentially drops to zero just beyond the edge of the nucleus.

    The purpose of this study is define the true reason of Strong Nuclear Force by questioning why gravity is such a weak force by creating a new model named as "New Atomic Model" by using the data obtained from the "New Gravity Model".

    The "New Atomic Model" shall also explain the following:

  • Why gravity becomes strong for particles only at the Planck scale, around 19 orders of magnitude in GeV, much above the electroweak scale (100 GeV, the energy scale dominating physics at low energies) ?
  • What prevents quantities at the electroweak scale, such as the Higgs boson mass, from getting quantum corrections on the order of the Planck scale?
  • Is the solution supersymmetry, extra dimensions or just anthropic** fine-tuning?

  • ** NOTE: In astrophysics and cosmology, the anthropic principle (from Greek anthropos, meaning "human") is the philosophical consideration that observations of the physical Universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it. Some proponents of the anthropic principle reason that it explains why the Universe has the age and the fundamental physical constants necessary to accommodate conscious life.

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    Weak Nuclear Force

    Based on an existing atomic model of Bohr-Rutherford-Quantum Mechanics, arguably there is no reason why a given atom should emit radiation.

    In order to explain this "apparent end-effect" of radiation scientists propose an existence of such force with a shorter range and less strength than Strong Nuclear Force. The newly named force should be responsible from radioactive decay (break down) and nuclear fusion (building up) of sub atomic particles.

    In particle physics (based on Bohr-Rutherford atomic model) Weak Nuclear Force or shortly Weak Force is caused by the emission or absorption of elementary particles called bosons of W and Z.

    The mass of W+, W−, and Z bosons are far heavier than that of protons or neutrons which are made up of quarks (hence fermions). This extra mass causing the short-range of the weak force. The force is termed weak because its field strength over a given distance is typically several orders of magnitude less than that of the strong nuclear force and electromagnetism.

    Most fermions will decay by a weak interaction over time. Important examples include beta decay and the production of deuterium and then helium from hydrogen that powers the sun's thermonuclear process.

    Beta decay is also used in measuring age of a given organic (carbon based) element called radiocarbon dating (or shortly carbon dating). Beta decay makes radiocarbon dating possible as carbon-14 decays through the weak interaction to nitrogen-14.

    Neutrons and protons are not elementary particles and are made up of quarks. The Weak Force is unique in that it allows for quarks to swap their property (called flavour) for another. For example, during beta minus decay a down quark decays into an up quark converting a neutron to a proton. In addition to this, the weak force is the only fundamental interaction that breaks Parity-Symmetry and similarly the only one to break Charge Parity (CP) Symmetry.

    The weak interaction affects all the fermions of the Standard Model, as well as the Higgs Bosons. Neutrinos interact through gravity and the weak interaction only. Neutrinos were the original reason for the name Weak Force (or Weak Nuclear Force).

    The purpose of this study is define the true reason of Weak Nuclear Force by questioning its existence and why gravity is such a weak force by creating a new model named as "New Atomic Model" by using the data obtained from the "New Gravity Model".

    The "New Atomic Model" shall also explain the following:

  • Why an atom emits radiation ?
  • What is the true reason of Beta decay ?
  • Why neutrinos oscillate and change its lepton flavor ?
  • Is carbon dating accurate in measuring time or age of a given organic (carbon based) material ?
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